5 GHz to 70 GHz Double Ridged Broadband Waveguide Horn Antenna, V-Female Connector (1.85mm)


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5 GHz to 70 GHz Double Ridged Broadband Waveguide Horn Antenna, V-Female Connector (1.85mm)

9旬翁戒檳榔10多年仍二度唇癌 醫師籲:永不嚼檳榔


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5 GHz to 70 GHz Double Ridged Broadband Waveguide Horn Antenna, V-Female Connector (1.85mm)

爆紅「哈佛蔬菜湯」抗三高、強免疫 醫:再加1物才完美


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5 GHz to 70 GHz Double Ridged Broadband Waveguide Horn Antenna, V-Female Connector (1.85mm)


onddakshesisr 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

5 GHz to 70 GHz Double Ridged Broadband Waveguide Horn Antenna, V-Female Connector (1.85mm)


onddakshesisr 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

5 GHz to 70 GHz Double Ridged Broadband Waveguide Horn Antenna, V-Female Connector (1.85mm)

喝酒臉紅不是代謝好 是「酒精不耐症」罹癌風險增4倍


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5 GHz to 70 GHz Double Ridged Broadband Waveguide Horn Antenna, V-Female Connector (1.85mm)


onddakshesisr 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

5 GHz to 70 GHz Double Ridged Broadband Waveguide Horn Antenna, V-Female Connector (1.85mm)

罹異位性皮膚炎「抓」成蜂窩性組織炎 女童急就醫


onddakshesisr 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

5 GHz to 70 GHz Double Ridged Broadband Waveguide Horn Antenna, V-Female Connector (1.85mm)

Substrate-integrated-waveguide (SIW) horn antennas built on thin substrates (substrate thickness smaller than λ 0/10) are not widely used owing to their low front-to-back ratio and the impedance mismatch between the aperture and the free space. A SIW horn antenna with metalised via holes in front of the aperture is proposed to deal with the issue of impedance mismatch. The metalised via holes introduce shunt inductance between the top and bottom metal planes of the SIW, which increases the impedance of the SIW and improves the impedance matching. Two prototypes working at the Ku band with via holes positioned differently are designed, manufactured and measured. The simulated and measured S- parameters, antenna gain and radiation patterns are presented.
  • 5 GHz to 70 GHz Double Ridged Broadband Waveguide Horn Antenna, V-Female Connector (1.85mm)
  • EMC/ EMI test Antenna 


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5 GHz to 70 GHz Double Ridged Broadband Waveguide Horn Antenna, V-Female Connector (1.85mm)

喝檸檬汁補維生素C大錯 營養師揭3陷阱易誤踩


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